sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

For today, only: English translation :D (Universal language) Title 1ª: "Personal blog, meet me more ..."

I want to thank you for your visits to my blog, honestly I make me extremely happy to read me, visit me because I want to take my writing and my art to the world.Today I will not raise written, I will make a personal blog.First, I tell them I'm writing two more books, one is the second part of "The universe of the soul. A timeless space", another is a science fiction novel, fantasy, romance. At the same time, I'm doing paintings / drawings to carry museums or art galleries and a tour in 2018, which; I'll hang on social networks every time you go having more material.Another project I'm making the pair is recording videos open talks, presentations of my writings online, tutotiales drawing / painting, sales of E-Book Online, translations of my books, as well, try two things I love: makeup and fashion (I'll see how I include these two factors to all this madness of making art and literature, so soon, I exploded with photo shoots or video-art or public interventions, etc.With all this, I have no time to breathe but it makes me very happy to do what I like and share it with the world and if you like to other planets besides Earth: better haha ​​:-P ...As I walk this path, I have several projects together as insert myself in the environment modeling, save money for projects of future books, look for investors / producers for my projects, re-modeling the apartment where I live, phew, many things .. . Look'm now painting some furniture:

It has nothing to do but show as part of the re-modeling: Look, that cute doily got me:


Beautiful, no? It will be intended to put the leaves of the drafts of my new books: D ... In the future I want the place to be alive; all white with small pink accessories (so far had all white, black and red accessories, but many years ago I want to go to the target and get everything black and red), I think the white gives purity to all, relaxing and lets you create more open mind, you concentrated among many things for having that color as illuminate much better the environment.Returning to the issue of multiple activities is extensive the amount of things I doing at par and certainly need people who work with me but right now not I can afford it, it will be a matter of waiting for the moment yes you can pay a couple of people or to do so free haha. I tell you, surely I'm forgetting to mention many things I'm working and projecting now, but are 02:25 am and do not want to make this text too long since I have to keep painting, but gave me the impetus sudden me tell you something.I decided that'll take care of this blog more professionally and will upload content without rhyme or reason like crazy, I also keep taking my other social networks more often because I think more people should know my message in general.I have no boyfriend or partner and I'm not looking for anything, so thank you very much for the constant offerings (which would not rather when to include a couple in my life, unless that person to work with me xD). I do physical exercise regularly because I care that the body look good and my health is good. I try to eat as healthy as possible, drink plenty of water, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol (yes before taking). I have a cat named Donald and live with my dad. I have plenty of hobbies, therefore I'm not going to write now because it will make it very extensive.And I do not mean anything else about me: D.Bye, fulfill their dreams for that are alive, but already the universe would have led to further, however, if they are still here is because they have something to do; so, rise like a bird of fire burning, sequense sweat, throw doubts into the abyss and do what they have to do.Hugs and kisses with lots of light.


NOTE: Translations: morning.
If there are misspellings sorry, it's too late, tomorrow I correct.NOTE 2: Upon completing this personal blog are a.m. 03:32


"To fulfill their dreams for that are alive, but the universe already would have taken them to the beyond, however, if they are still here is because they have something to do, so, rise like a bird of fire burning, sequense the sweat, throw doubts into the abyss and do what they have to do. "

All Rights Reserved Copyright, Art Alice Perkins 2016.

*Para conseguir el libro "El universo del alma. Un espacio sin tiempo" contáctame a:alice_missworld@hotmail.com o en mi página: www.facebook.com/artealiceperkins

*LINK DE COMPRA ON-LINE PARA EL LIBRO, "EL UNIVERSO DEL ALMA. UN ESPACIO SIN TIEMPO":http://www.dunken.com.ar/web2/libreria_detalle.php?id=12894

 *Lugares de compra para el libro "El universo del alma. Un espacio sin tiempo" para los que son de distintas zonas de la ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires: Librería Batania. Librería FREDO. Librería Vive leyendo. Librería Fray Mocho S.A. Librería Ross. Librería Garabombo Sherke S.r.l. Librería Garabombo Sherke S.r.l. Librería Avila. Librería Casassa y Lorenzo. Librería Queleer S.A. Librería El atril. Cámara Argentina del libro. FM Aprender 106.1. Dirección Nacional de Derechos de Autor. COMPARTAN ESTA INFORMACIÓN SI GUSTAN.

*"El universo del alma. Un espacio sin tiempo", participó nuevamente de la Feria Internacional del Libro 2016 en la Rural, Buenos Aires. Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires [Sitio Oficial] ¡¡¡Para los que vayan, allí lo tendrán para llevárselo!!!
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Facebook personal: www.facebook.com/alice.perkins12


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